That this report diffuses information which was previously inaccessible is a feature not to be overlooked or undervalued. In the wake of revolution and the unfolding democratic transition, the study’s objectives are relevant, its approach and resources transparent, its conclusions meticulously drawn and valuable to common knowledge and future research…However, a subtle but noteworthy contradiction associated with the confused designation of Tunisia as victim of state capture and as a role model for other countries reflects a greater, underlying discrepancy that exists at the institutional level.
Political Review: Clamor in the Capital, Conflict at the Border
In the past month during which Tunisia celebrated its fifty-eighth year of independence from France, political parties have crowded public space and consciousness—an ebullient Ennahda rally on Avenue Habib Bourguiba, Hamadi Jebali in news headlines, and rumors that Tunisia-Libya border tensions have been exacerbated by political party backing.
An ‘Open’ Letter to Inform the Tunisia-US Strategic Dialogue
The ‘open’ letter to Secretary Kerry, endorsed by and intended for US government officials, is written accordingly, in polished diplomatic terms where the return of every initiative is measured in dollars and proposed projects and investments perpetuate the image of the US abroad as a benevolent (soft) power.
المشهد الإعلامي التونسي…الهواية و الإسفاف في زمن الحرّيّة و الإحتراف
لا يكاد يمرّ يوم على المتابع للقنوات التلفزيّة التونسية بشقّيها، الحكومي و الخاص، دون أن يلاحظ ما تشهده برامجها من اخلالات في كلّ المستويات تقريبا: التقنيّ و التحريري، إلى جانب ما يقترفه الناشطون فيها من أخطاء جوهريّة على الصّعيد المهنيّ.. و هي و إن كانت في مجملها أخطاء فرديّة إلّا حالات يمكن الذّهاب بها إلى المستوى الجماعي، فقد كانت لها انعكاسات مباشرة و خطيرة أحيانا على الرّأي العام و الشّارع التّونسيّ
Le web tunisien face à la question des ressources naturelles
Nous avons sélectionné un certain nombre de mots clefs relatifs à la question des ressources naturelles (essentiellement phosphate, gaz et pétrole). S’appuyant sur un outil d’analyse et de veille des médias électroniques, nous avons constaté que, comparés à ces dernières années, ces mots clefs ont atteint un pic, pendant la semaine allant du 8 au 14 mars 2014.
Conditional (Economic) Friendships: Tunisia, the EU, and the Gulf Countries
What Jomâa did not say regarding contrasting political visions amongst the Gulf countries visited on his trip will weigh heavily not only on international relations and the actual support that Tunisia might receive from its alliances, but on the conditions for the support (if any) offered. Meanwhile images of blood-stained earth and bullet hole-scarred buildings permeate national news following clashes between national security forces and militants in Jendouba and Sidi Bouzid.
American Embassy Tunis on Facebook: an online space for American soft power?
After perusing the American Embassy Tunis Facebook page, the page welcome statement seems either a laughable euphemism or an endearing show of naïveté. The description is accurate to the extent that the the page accomplishes what it promises and what one would expect from an embassy Facebook page, for it serves as a cultural counterpart to the official Embassy of the United States Tunis website’s services and procedural information and news updates.
Between criminalization and marginalization, Art remains a counter-movement in Tunisia
Two themes that prevail in blogs, reports, news articles, and interviews about art and artists in Tunisia are the gap between politics and people, especially youth, and the criminalization and marginalization of art and artists that has continued after the revolution.
We Are Happy From Tunisia – Celebrating Diversity and Solidarity In Spite of Political and Economic Insecurities
What each country, each city, each community has to offer in this movement is an independently-crafted testament to one’s existence in the contemporary world during a period in history marked by widespread political instability, economic crisis, and desperation for change.
Electoral Law, Political Campaigns, and…Dissolution of the Leagues for the Protection of the Revolution
With the electoral law on the table for discussion, the nomination of several ministry candidates, and the naming of eighteen governors, it is not surprising that election campaigns have rolled into action. Security remains a prominent issue in the National Dialogue and national media, and although the common concern is that insecurity is a block for the political process and efforts to precipitate democratic elections this year
Visas, Immigration, Exchange Programs: US Promises and Tunisian Civil Society
The nature of immigration policy and visa procedures for Tunisians who wish to travel to the United States to take advantage of academic and professional exchange opportunities reflects the degree of authenticity of US rhetoric for cooperation, partnership, and collaboration at the civil society level.
Amel Karboul, épouvantail médiatique du gouvernement Jomaa ?
Amel Karboul est-elle la belle médiatique de la bête gouvernementale ? Dès sa nomination au poste de ministre du Tourisme, la belle, au sens propre du terme, n’a laissé personne de marbre : politiques, médias, réseaux sociaux et simples citoyens y sont allés de leurs petits commentaires.
الحكومة الجديدة.. لا تمسوها بسوء
لا عبوس بعد اليوم في وجه الحكومة الجديدة التي رضيت عنها نشرة أخبار الثامنة للقناة الوطنيّة الرسميّة وباركتها جلّ البرامج الحواريّة التي خفت بريقُها بعد أن جفّ ريقُها في محاسبة وزراء الترويكا.. كان أولائك الوزراء (الضالّون المغضوب عليهم) يُنهرون ويُقال لهم أفٍّ في كلّ يوم سبعين مرّة… ثمّ قرّرت القناة الوطنيّة أن تعود إلى سالف عهدها النوفمبريّ فأصبحت بارّة غير عاقّة
التغطية الإعلامية لعملية جندوبة.. محاذير التحريض على انتهاك حقوق وحريات أساسية
”السيناريو الجزائري” المُسوَّق إعلاميا قد تكون خلفياته دولية استخباراتية من اجل الترويج للبعد الإقليمي للإرهاب والتسويغ لتدخل أجنبي أمريكي أو فرنسي أو أطلسي جاهز ينتظر “الشرارة القادحة”.. قد يستبيح السيادة الوطنية ويفتح الساحة الوطنية على اللاعب الدولي من الباب الواسع!!
Tunisia in the Media : International Prestige, National Farce
This week’s highlights in Tunisian news and media: on the serious side, defining international relations and prospects for alliance-building; on a lighter note, Marzouki’s unwitting knack for comedic relief.
The Times of India highlights «Indian connection» to Tunisia’s progressive constitution
On February 9, 2014, The Times of India published a rather fascinating article. «Kolkata-born Riddhi Dasgupta, the 28-year-old chief draftsperson of British think-tank The Wilberforce Society, was a driving force in advising in the crafting of [Tunisia]’s new constitution.»
Tunisia: Still Waiting for Truth, Accountability and…Planning for Elections
Another week in Tunisia’s politics is charged with mixed emotions. For now, in light of the unresolved and reinvigorated confusion surrounding the Belaid case and the elusive progress being made in election-planning processes, public demands for truth, accountability, and productivity reflect a citizenry eager for change, and still waiting for signs of it.
Ministère de l’Intérieur et Médias : Haro sur la communication de crise
La semaine médiatique a été chargée en…terrorisme. Entre les événements de Raoued, du 4 février dernier, et quatre jours après, ceux de Borj Louzir, le ministère de l’Intérieur, les médias et les réseaux sociaux se sont encore une fois enflammés, traitant les informations d’une façon inappropriée.