OpenGovTn 11

Constituent Assembly Response to Voting Cheats: Life Goes On

To vote constitutes an elemental right of the citizens of any functioning democracy, and acts dually as an entrusted responsibility of the officials that are elected. These officials are to vote on issues that we, as citizens, give them permission to represent…

Mohamed Abbou: 10 Promises for the Implementation of OpenGov in Tunisia

During RTCI’s “Café Noir” radio emission, the Minister of Administrative Reform Mohamed Abbou responded to Nadia Haddaoui Makhbout’s questions, as well as questions from 2 members of the OpenGovTN initiative (Jazem Haloui and Walid Neffati at the studio, and some questions that were posted […].

Les 10 promesses de Mohamed Abbou pour l’application de l’OpenGov en Tunisie

Lors d’une émission radio “Café Noir” sur RTCI, le ministre de la réforme administrative Mohamed Abbou a répondu aux questions de Nadia Haddaoui Makhbout, ainsi que celles de deux membres du groupe OpenGovTN. […]

OpenGovTN meeting exposes the need for pragmatic action to ensure transparency

Following a mostly online presence, a few members and supporters of the Tunisian OpenGov initiative gathered last night, March 10, 2012, at Nawaat’s Hackerspace – a community meeting space created by Nawaat to facilitate the exchange of ideas and resources – a perfect space for OpenGovTN to meet. OpenGovTN, an initiative that was launched some months ago, aims to institutionalize the concepts of open governance, open data, and transparency in a new Tunisia on all governmental fronts […]

The 7ell campaign, a step ahead for the Open Governance in Tunisia

Making sure that the new constitution includes clearly clauses that guarantees and protect the principles of Open Government is the ultimate goal of the group.