Tunisia 2026

Quelques moments en live lors de l’arrestation de Hamadi Kaloutcha

Ceci est un court document sonore qui retrace quelques moments lorsque la police est venue “cueillir” Sofiène Bel Haj M’Hamed alias Hamadi Kaloutcha. Ce document révèle, en partie, ce qui s’est passé juste après que les agents aient sorti Sofiène de son domicile. Ce que le document montre c’est que l’arrestation —ou plutôt le kidnaping, puisque comme d’habitude aucun titre légal n’est excipé en pareilles circonstances— s’est plutôt déroulée […]

A la mémoire de Mohamed Bouazizi

Face à la brutalité de la force de celui qui soumet et humilie, il existe une forme de résistance, certainement fatale pour celui qui l’entreprend, mais vis-à-vis de laquelle, avec le temps, aucune tyrannie au monde ne saurait y résister. C’est cette forme de résistance qu’a choisie […]

The Tunisian Intifada…

It is more than two weeks since a distraught and unemployed young university graduate, Mohammed Bouazizi, sat down in front of the town hall in the central Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid, poured gasoline on himself and lit a match. Bouazizi’s act of self-immolation and protest against Tunisia’s high unemployment, rampant corruption and decades of repression by the government of Zine Ben Ali triggered a protest movement, first in the country’s center and south, but now virtually everywhere, including the capital, Tunis.

Tunisia: IMF “Economic Medicine” has resulted in Mass Poverty and Unemployment

Mass and spontaneous demonstrations erupted on Friday, December 17th in the city of Sidi Bouzid (central Tunisia) when Mohammad Bouazizi , a 26 year-old, doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire after a female police officer slapped and spat on him. The only crime Bouazizi committed was that of being a street vendor selling vegetables and fruits without a permit, in a country where neoliberal economic policies failed to provide economic opportunities to Bouazizi and thousands of others like him.