Tunisia 199

Tunisia: Yes, they can. No, we can’t!

The week of the US election coincided with the 21st anniversary of ‘change’ in Tunisia. But while Americans went to the polls to elect their 44th president, in its 50 years of independence, Tunisia has had just two presidents. Tunisian bloggers mark Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s 21st year as president with a call for change.

الوسط التونسية : خطوات مروعة في الاتجاه الخاطئ 1

أعاد التاريخ نفسه في الساحة الاعلامية التونسية “المعارضة” وتهاوت مؤسسة ثانية بعد فضائية المستقلة في مستنقع التطبيع مع الدكتاتورية والتملق للسلطة وتمييع القضايا والعزف على وتر المصالحة الموهومة. مصير بائس اختاره صاحب “الوسط” لموقعه الذي كان طيلة أكثر من سنتين، إذا تجاوزنا بعض فترات التردد، أحد العناوين البارزة لساحة إعلامية وطنية بديلة ومناضلة،

Torture en Tunisie : Un ancien ministre s’exprime sur El Hiwar Ettounsi

Pour résumer, en utilisant la formule consacrée, cet ancien ministre était «responsable mais pas coupable» quant à la pratique de la torture sur les citoyens tunisiens dans les locaux de l’administration tunisienne. L’entretien est une reprise diffusée le 17 février 2008, où l’on retrouve un TBH assez offensif avec sa manière si particulière dans le paysage médiatique tunisien d’être «cordialement direct».

Tunisia Caucus Co-Chair Calls Despot Moderate and Wise

Only a handful of Internet publications and small-circulation opposition papers have attempted to seriously criticize the government or hold it accountable. But journalists writing for these outlets have been placed under surveillance, assaulted by plainclothes police, had their phone and Internet lines cut, and been prevented from leaving the country.

Dear Mr. Z.A.B.A

I am pleased to inform you that I received your letter, the one you sent to the younger Tunisians around the world through http://www.pactejeunesse.tn, asking me and my fellow Tunisians to work together on coming up with ideas for a brighter future.
Through this letter, I will try to tackle the prime and most lucrative sector for all nations through the history of humanity: Education.

Tunisians convicted for trying to build hydrogen bomb

TUNIS, Tunisia: A court in Tunisia convicted 14 young Islamic militants Thursday of trying to build a hydrogen bomb and sentenced them to up to 14 years in prison, a lawyer said.

The suspects, who come from the North African country’s southern regions and range in age from 19 to 30, were taken into custody in November 2006 […]