Media 85

Silencing online speech in Tunisia

Blocking web 2.0 websites (Youtube, Dailymotion, Facebook) and barring access to local outspoken websites and blogs is the most obvious way of cracking down of the online free speech in Tunisia. It should be emphasized, however, that this is only one tool in the regime’s hand. Tunisia has adapted to the web 2.0 revolution by developing a broader strategy composed of a wide range of instruments […]

Tunisia Caucus Co-Chair Calls Despot Moderate and Wise

Only a handful of Internet publications and small-circulation opposition papers have attempted to seriously criticize the government or hold it accountable. But journalists writing for these outlets have been placed under surveillance, assaulted by plainclothes police, had their phone and Internet lines cut, and been prevented from leaving the country.

Tunisia : Journalist From Website Expelled

Reporters sans Frontières (Paris) PRESS RELEASE Reporters Without Borders has criticised the Tunisian authorities for expelling French journalist Léa Labaye, of the satirical website, who was sent back to Paris immediately after arrival in Tunisia on 16 September 2006, without any official explanation. “This expulsion demonstra […].

Panique, manipulation et valse médiatique

Le mardi 1er novembre 2005 à 23h 26, Decepticus poste sur le forum de Nawaat la transcription de la séquence du journal télévisé consacrée à la grève de la faim. Dans sa minutie, Décepticus poste la source de cette transcription : Le lendemain, mercredi 2 novembre 2005, l’intégralité des propos du présent […].