Turkey 6

تونس و إسرائيل: نحو عناق الملاكم

الأحرى بنا، في إطار “تونسيّتنا”، بيان الخيارات الأساسيّة لقطرنا لتجاوز التّيه المبدئيّ في تعامل الدّولة الرسمي مع الكيان الإسرائيلي. و الإشكال الجوهريّ في رأيي هو غياب، بل تغييب، الصّراحة في طقس جماعيّ غريب ننخرط فيه جلّنا لمّا نتحدّث عن إسرائيل: معارضة و موالات، الكلّ ينشد بعنتريّة جاهليّة نشيد دعم الكفاح الفلسطيني و مقاطعة إسرائيل و في المقابل تجريما للعمل المسلّح أو ما يوصم بالجهاديّة و تناسيا متعمّدا لضآلة هذا الدّعم ”المنافق” إن وجد في سياق تعقيدات الصّراع و لاعبيه الكبار.

The Imrali Promise and the New Middle East Plan

From all appearances, nothing short of the cornerstone for a regional Middle East civil war was laid on Imrali, a Turkish island in the southern region of the Sea of Marmara. Those who do not understand how to read history always fall behind. And those who are not acquainted with Abdullah Ocalan, the Kurdish leader and the message he sent out to his people on March 21, are not in a position to comprehend the depth and the enormity of the threat directed toward the Arab world and Middle East in general that this communication represents.

Open discussion with a youth delegation of Turkey’s AK Party

June 29 th 2012, Nawaat had an open discussion with a youth delegation of Turkey’s AK PARTY (the Justice and Development Party), which has been ruling in Turkey since 2002.The attendees represented journalists from Tunisia live and Nawaat.

Turkish “democracy”: The two articles that caused the firing of Turkish journalist Ece Temelkuran

[Editor’s Note: Here are two articles written by one of Turkey’s best-known journalists and political commentators Ece Temelkuran in which she criticized the regime’s repressive policy towards journalists and its militaristic policy towards Kurds, a policy that culminated recently in the Uludere massacre that killed over 35 people among them 19 kids. Ece Tumlekuran’s articles were published last week on her former newspaper Habertuk and resulted in her firing from the newspaper under what seemingly was a political pressure from the political establishment.]