Erdogan 3

La Polit Revue : Tunis, officiellement dans la sphère d’influence AKPiste

Il y a quelque chose d’irritant, même pour les plus conservateurs des démocrates turcs et arabes, dans le parcours « sans faute » de Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Après 10 ans de règne, là où la plupart des pouvoirs seraient passablement usés, la locomotive AKP avançait insolemment, jusqu’à ce qu’elle pèche par excès de confiance avec la goutte d’eau du parc Gezi.

Turkish “democracy”: The two articles that caused the firing of Turkish journalist Ece Temelkuran

[Editor’s Note: Here are two articles written by one of Turkey’s best-known journalists and political commentators Ece Temelkuran in which she criticized the regime’s repressive policy towards journalists and its militaristic policy towards Kurds, a policy that culminated recently in the Uludere massacre that killed over 35 people among them 19 kids. Ece Tumlekuran’s articles were published last week on her former newspaper Habertuk and resulted in her firing from the newspaper under what seemingly was a political pressure from the political establishment.]