President Saied’s Health: From silence to sound bite

Never has the health of a Tunisian president been the center of so much public attention. The spotlight was on Kais Saied’s physical condition from the moment he announced his candidacy for president. After refraining from commenting on rumors relating to his mental health, the president responded for the first time to remarks about his absence from the end of March through early April 2023.

Purifier l’administration : une nouvelle étape dans la dérive du régime

Quel est le point commun entre la nomination d’un nouveau Chef du gouvernement et les remontrances adressées publiquement à la PDG de la télévision ? Ces deux évènements illustrent la nouvelle priorité de Kais Saied : « purifier » l’Administration. Si cette volonté de purge s’inscrit dans la logique de la consolidation du régime, sa mise en œuvre risque de brouiller les équilibres précaires au sein du pouvoir.

ضد السياسات الأوروبية والتونسية المناهضة للمهاجرين السّود  والمهاجرات السّوداوات

رسالة مفتوحة من 379 باحثين/ـات وأعضاء المجتمع المدني من الجنوب والشمال ضد ”مذكّرة التّفاهم بشأن شراكة استراتيجية وشاملة بين الاتحاد الأوروبي وتونس“ وضد سياسات الاتحاد الأوروبي المتمثلة في تصدير حدودها الخارجية.

Najla Bouden: Poor economic record, outstanding support for repression

Her departure from the Kasbah has been as discreet as her arrival. A late night post on the Office of the President’s Facebook page informed Tunisians of Prime Minister Najla Bouden’s dismissal from office. After less than two years serving at the head of government, this unassuming university professor is leaving the field with an underwhelming track record in confronting socioeconomic issues. What is remarkable about Bouden’s term is how she stood by an increasingly authoritarian regime.