Kasbah 2

Four Years After the Kasbah Sit-Ins – Taking Stock of a Revolutionary Mission Confiscated

If major political forces succeeded in controlling the Kasbah, it was largely due to inadequate management on the part of the youth who were the driving force of the occupation. Indeed, confusion and personal conflicts were factors in the movement’s extinction. By now many participants have had time to ruminate these errors. What remains is to shed led upon the movement’s successes. «Through the sit-ins we imposed an ethics threshold which all political parties had to observe, » Azyz Amami told Nawaat; the youth who took part in the movement demonstrated extreme democratic creativity that surpassed old forms of power.

A Night In Tunisia: Al Kasba’s lesson

Tunisian officials must be scratching their heads at the moment. After decades of a sluggish political apathy, the country has witnessed a couple of governments in a few weeks. Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannoushi’s resignation is edifying. Foremost among the lessons learned is that public pressure and private suasion eventually pay off.