Before any significant political reform can take place in the Arab world, the United States and Europe need to begin engaging moderate Islamists, an action less thorny than it might seem because Islamists have embraced democratic procedures and have shown a strong commitment to the rule of law. For a long time Arab regimes have frightened the United States […].
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L’islamisme, nouveau panarabisme
Incontestablement, l’islamisme se voulait à l’origine internationaliste, aspirant à placer la communauté des croyants toute entière sous un même leadership. Mais son échec fut de ce point de vue assez vite patent. Les mouvements qui prônaient, dans les années 70 et 80, la réislamisation des sociétés musulmanes « par le haut » – la construction d’ […].
Towards A New Islamic Discourse
Islam is portrayed sometimes as if it were a monolithic or uni-dimensional entity. Islam is undoubtedly the faith of transcendental monotheism , the belief in Allah (the one and only God), who transcends both man and nature. But monotheism does not lead to monism (the metaphysical doctrine that existence is a whole and one); on the contrary, it leads to pl […].
الإسلاميون والدولة المعاصرة
مناقشة العلاقة التي تحكم الفرد من ابناء المجتمع الاسلامي بالحاكم أو ما أصطلح عليه بالعلاقة بين «الراعي والرعية» أو بين الرعية والسلطان أو «الخليفة» وتشعّبت مداخل تلك الابحاث ومخارجها عبر اروقة التاريخ وخرائط جغرافية العالم الاسلامي القديم. لكن القليل من تلك الابحاث بل النادر اقترب من ملامسة واقع الحال الذي تعيشه بلادنا بخصوص مفهوم العلاقة بين الفرد ال […].
Democracy, Justice, Fundamentalism and Religious Intellectualism
An interview with Abdulkarim Soroush* by Ali Asghar Seyyedabadi Q. Let’s start the discussion with the [June 2005] presidential elections if you don’t mind. The outcome can be linked on two counts to issues of interest to you: one is the question of justice, since some people believe that the government that emerged from the elections is a product of the […].
Crise et réforme du monde arabe
Alors que le peuple irakien vote le 15 octobre sur un projet de Constitution très contesté, le débat se poursuit dans le monde arabe sur les voies à emprunter pour sortir la région de la crise, de la misère et de l’autoritarisme. Si un large consensus existe pour s’opposer aux réformes imposées par l’étranger, de plus en plus de voix appellent à sortir du […].
Social, Religious & Political Dimensions of Prejudice: Reflection of a Muslim (I)
Who am I? Where do I come from? In two sentences, I am a South African Muslim male from an impoverished working class background who was reared in a gang-infested area by a single parent. Many of our neighbours were Christians and the debt collectors – of which there were always many – were invariably Jewish. Who am I? Where do I come from? In two senten […].
Islamic Civilization in Globalization: From Islamic futures to a Postwestern civilization
Abstract: Islam can be seen as a counter discourse to globalization, to the expansion of economic space and the fulfillment of the dreams of the social darwinists. However, even as Islam attempts to create new possibilities for globalism, national politics doom it to a politics of reaction, of reducing diversity and innovation. This is especially perilou […].
The Problem With Coercive Democratization
In a rare display of solidarity, Islamist and secular nationalist opposition leaders have joined forces with governments officials to denounce the U.S. democracy initiative as a blatant case of foreign intervention into the affairs of sovereign Arab states. […].
L’émergence de “l’islam de marché”
Dans le monde de l’islam, apparaissent en effet de nouveaux modes d’engagement, faits de syncrétismes et de compromis, plus préoccupés d’intégration à l’espace public et de normalisation culturelle que de rhétorique révolutionnaire ou d’Etat islamique, et dont le déploiement, méconnu en Occident, nous est décrit dans un livre synthétique et stimulant. […].
الإسلام التنويري بين الأحادية والتعددية
بقلم الدكتور طيب تيزيني نشرة مركز ابن رشد تتسع الدراسات الإسلامية راهنا وتكتسب أبعادا وأمداء متعددة في سياق تعاظم الهجوم ضد الاسلام و السجال بينه و بين أطراف معظمها يتحدر من الغرب . و في هذا وذاك تفصح عن نفسها مشكلات و معضلات نظرية جديدة ، اضافة الى أخرى قديمة ؟ و هذا من طبائع الأمور . فالواقع بمثابة حالة مفتوحة، يضع أمام البشر من المهمات و الأسئلة […].
Les musulmans sont-ils capables de re-concevoir le texte religieux ?
Le colloque qui s’est tenu à Asilah du 12 au 14 août sous le thème de “l’islam vu par nous et par les autres” a été l’occasion de mettre quelques points sur quelques “i”. Possibilité d’une relecture de l’islam, l’existence de plusieurs islams, la déconstruction du texte énonciateur, la fin du nombrilisme islamique et le procès de soi pour éviter les compla […].
برنارد لويس و جينة الاسلام
وعلى غرار الإله الروماني جانوس، فإنّ لبرنارد لويس وجهيْن. فهذا الجامعي البريطاني، المقيم في الولايات المتحدة منذ العام 1964، والخبير المعروف في الشؤون التركية، أصدر العديد من المؤلفات حول العالم الاسلامي. ومن جهة اخرى، هو مثقّف مُلتزم منذ زمن طويل في المعركة السياسية. […].
Globalized Islam
Muslims, like other immigrants, have come to the West in search of better economic opportunities. But are they bound to clash with their Western counterparts ? In this Globalist Interview, Olivier Roy — author of “Globalized Islam : The Search For a New Ummah” — explains that, due to globalization, these two groups actually have much more in common today t […].
Identity and Human Rights in the Age of Globalization
Non-Western world, especially the Muslim world, has yet to come to grips with the notion of globalization. At the dawn of the twenty-first century, the Muslim world faces many challenges, but none more formidable than the issue of how to strike a balance between maintaining cultural integrity and religious identity on the one hand, and absorbing changes as […].
Islam et démocratie:
Le monde musulman, exposé plus que jamais à des changements sociaux intensifiés par le processus de mondialisation, est devenu un terrain d’observation et d’analyse privilégié. Les chercheurs se penchent plus particulièrement sur les rapports entre tradition et modernité politique, entre islam et démocratie ; tandis que pour les acteurs locaux, la situatio […].
Islamists and Democracy : Keep the Faith
Islamist organizations—that is, organizations that appeal to the religious values and social conservatism of the Arab public in their call for political reform—are the key to democratization in the Arab world. They have considerable support, as measured by the votes they receive when they are allowed to participate in elections, the turnout at their […].
The West and Moderate Islam
Amr Hamzawy looks at Western democracy promotion efforts in the Arab world. He argues that the U.S. and Europe need to engage not only liberal Arabs, but also moderate Islamists to appeal to their popular constituencies. […].