Une leçon de bassesse à la Karoui & Karoui offerte à l’occasion de la mascarade électorale de 2009.
A noter, que cette “offrande” à Ben Ali surpasse par sa vilenie pathétique les pires oeuvres de la propagande officielle qui, jusqu’ici, n’avait pas osé, les chansons à la gloire du président à vie…Quel gâchis de talent !
Oui c’est ce que je disais cha3b mnayik !
tant qu a faire de la propagande autant le faire avec gout.C est mieux que le matraquage officiel ridicule.Quand aux karouis,ils font du business,il feraient la meme chose pour un pot de yahourt.
you seem to be impressed by
imed trabelsi intelligence
his ability to attract tourisme
and their euro or dollars.
IT must be his face,that will
appeal to visitors which will make
halk el wed or la goulette an esteemed global destination.
THE karoui&karoui are making the
same mark on you.
ANY one dangling a100$bill in
front of your eyes will mesmarise
you it seems.
COULD the coulor of money movie
hypnotise you as well.
THE topic is about morality in this
e journal.NOT about a quid at any
Will you be the marketing guru for a
trabelsi he seems a guenious in your
the sub zero I Q he is blessed with.
the things we do for money? well well.
NOT MEAN”T TO devalue your input but
to query certain relevance at what is
an unpleasant situation tunisian are
thanks sufia all just the same
I am not quite sure of what point you are trying to make,but restauring the procession of trapani madonna is a good move for the tunisia tourism.As for imed gangster I dont care about him
wa3 … ya 5ouya wa77adkom jme3et Nawaat ;)
brabbi, 3andkomchi el vidéo ? 7ottouha fi Youtube walla Google , paskeu tfass5et appremment … Merciiii :D