Gafsa: Still waiting for the Revolution to happen
Gafsa. Too far south to catch our interest, too central to attract tourists. The capital of the mining sector is painful to behold. The skies are leaden and the ambiance is sad. A small gathering of job-seekers looking for work in the city center bears witness to ongoing tensions and demands that are far from being met. Among the forsaken are Amor and his family. He and his brothers tell of their past, their present, and their dreams for the future. Hearing the stories echos throughout this family is eye-opening, revealing the human experience’s different faces, fleshing out each identity, and magnifying differences.
Gafsa : Là où la Révolution n’est pas encore arrivée
Gafsa. Trop au sud pour qu’on s’y intéresse, trop au centre pour drainer du touriste. La capitale du bassin minier fait peine. Le ciel est lourd, l’ambiance triste. Un petit attroupement de chômeurs qui cherchent du travail au centre ville, montre que la situation n’est pas apaisée et que les revendications sont toujours les mêmes.