
Notre confrère Abdessamad Aït Aïcha de l’Association Marocaine pour le Journalisme d’Investigation (AMJI) devait être parmi nous, du 26 août au 07 septembre 2015, pour un stage au sein de notre média Nawaat. Or, le jour de son départ de l’aéroport de Casablanca, il a été empêché de prendre son vol pour Tunis, sans justification légale.

Le harcèlement dont fait l’objet notre confrère M. Abdessamad Ait Aicha s’inscrit manifestement dans un mouvement plus large qui touchent nos confrères Marocains dont, récemment, la condamnation de Hicham Mansouri –lui aussi de l’AMJI – à une peine de 10 mois d’emprisonnement à l’issue d’un procès monté de toutes pièces.

Nawaat exhorte les autorités marocaines à libérer M. Hicham Mansouri et à cesser ces harcèlements qui n’honorent ni leurs commanditaires ni une certaine idée de la démocratie marocaine à laquelle aspire le peuple marocain.

Nous ne désespérons pas de recevoir prochainement notre ami Abdessamad Aït Aïcha et demandons, instamment, au gouvernement marocain de faire respecter le droit de chaque citoyen Marocain à la liberté de circulation à l’intérieur comme à l’extérieur des frontières marocaines. Laquelle liberté est garantie aussi bien par la Constitution marocaine que par les instruments internationaux ratifiés par le Maroc.

Enfin, nous ne manquons pas de relayer, ci-bas, le communiqué de l’International Media Support en soutien également à nos confrères Marocains :


Worrying escalation of crackdowns on human rights advocates in Morocco

International Media Support condemns the worrying escalation of crackdowns on free expression and human rights by the Moroccan authorities

Five months after Moroccan press freedom advocate Hicham Mansouri was handed a 10-month prison term over adultery charges, another project manager of the Moroccan Association for Investigative Journalism (AMJI) is being targeted by the authorities. IMS calls upon the Moroccan authorities to put an end to the harassment and prosecution facing journalists and human rights groups in reprisal for their work.

Abdessamad Ait Aicha, also known as Samad Ayach, was prevented on 25 August of boarding a plane to Tunis at Casablanca airport. A few days prior to this, Mr. Ayach had been called in by the judiciary police for an interrogation that reportedly lasted ten hours.

The interrogation was apparently related to his participation in the organisation of training workshops for journalists using the StoryMaker application. Due to this, he was suspected of attempting to “destabilise the loyalty of citizens toward constitutional institutions”, to “sow discord” and to “serve foreign interests.”

During the interrogation, Mr. Ayach was extensively questioned about his affiliation with AMJI, the Ibn Rochd research centre and Maâti Monjib, a Board member of AMJI.

On the same day that Ayach was prevented from flying to Tunis, Hicham Mansouri was driven from the prison in Salé where he is serving his sentence, to the judiciary police headquarters in Casablanca. In the course of these five hours, Mansouri was also interrogated on his links with AMJI, Maâti Monjib and other AMJI partners. He was taken back to prison the same day.

The Moroccan Association for Investigative Journalists (AMJI) works to promote the important method of investigative journalism in the Maghreb region. It was established in 2009. Its training activities are regularly prevented from taking place.

IMS calls upon the Moroccan authorities to put an end to the harassment and prosecution facing journalists and human rights groups in reprisal for their work.

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