Les négociations de quotas internationaux pour le thon ont fait l’objet de critiques répétées, car elles étaient dirigées par les intérêts d’un nombre restreint de nations puissantes. Mais elles peuvent être révolutionnées par l’adoption de cadres préétablis, fondés sur des données scientifiques. Et l’année 2022 sera à cet égard décisive.
Ensuring blue growth for North Africa’s blue gold
From freshwater fisheries in the great rift lakes to tuna fisheries in the waters around North Africa, for many African states, fisheries represent a substantial contribution to GDP. Due to imperfect knowledge of fish biology, incomplete fisheries data, natural variabilities and the inherent difficulties in using models to count fish in a population, the adoption of a different approach called “harvest strategies” or “management procedures” is becoming the latest innovation in fisheries management, and a reliable way for North African countries to continue to generate this blue growth value for decades to come.
COP21 Countdown: Seeking solutions through the human right prism met with opposition by certain countries
With under 48 hours left for parties to complete the negotiations, a new version of the draft agreement is expected this afternoon, but the inclusion or exclusion of explicit human rights or gender specific language remains open for debate.
2°C of separation: Start of Crucial Negotiating Week for Paris Climate Conference
The 2015 United Nations (UN) Climate Change negotiations – also referred to as the COP21 and which started in Paris on Monday 30th November, aims to “achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, with the aim of keeping global warming below 2°C.”
How to protect yourself during protests: A19 Video Tutorial
More than the exercise of collective dissent, as a common denominator and at the core of these protests is the call on governments to engage with grass-root movements and the public at large beyond the regular election process. Journalists and bloggers continue to play a central role in providing and relaying vital information.