10 خطوات من أجل حقوق الإنسان: بيان انتخابي من إعداد منظمة العفو الدولية بشأن حقوق الإنسان في تونس

عشية تأهب تونس لإج ارء الانتخابات التشريعية والرئاسية فيها، تناشد منظمة العفو الدولية المرشحين بأن يحققوا طموحات التونسيين، وينجزوا إصلاحات حقيقية على صعيد حقوق الإنسان. وينبغي أن يتمتع جميع التونسيين بالحقوق المدنية والسياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية، دون تمييز، مع تفادي المزيد من التأخير في تطبيق تلك الحقوق.

À L’approche Des Élections : Manifeste D’Amnesty International Pour Les Droits Humains En Tunisie

Pour que les droits humains ne soient pas les oubliés de la campagne électorale, Amnesty International Tunisie demande aux candidats de s’engager sur dix recommandations-clés qui concernent les droits humains.

منظمة العفو الدولية/مصر: تشير الأدلة إلى إرتكاب أنصار مرسي للتعذيب

قالت منظمة العفو الدولية (2 أغسطس 2013) إن الأدلة، بما في ذلك إفادات الناجين، تشير إلى قيام أنصار الرئيس المعزول […]

Amnesty International /Egypt: Evidence points to torture carried out by Morsi supporters

Evidence, including testimonies from survivors, indicates that supporters of deposed President Mohamed Morsi tortured individuals from a rival political camp, […]

Tunisia: Routine muzzling of dissent mars upcoming presidential elections

Next Sunday, 25 October 2009, Tunisia will hold presidential and legislative elections in which it is virtually guaranteed that the incumbent, Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali, who has been in power for the last 22 years and is now opposed by three other candidates, will be re-elected as president. As well, the ruling Constitutional Democratic Rally (RCD) party is expected to retain a majority of the seats in the parliament.

Tunisia: ‘Plus ca change’ on human rights, says Amnesty-New report

[…] Torture remains pervasive in detention centres, particularly those of the State Security Department, the organisation warned, and statements allegedly obtained under torture are being accepted by courts as evidence to convict defendants. Incommunicado detention is also being covered up with officials falsifying arrest documents. […]

Tunisia: Behind Tunisia’s ‘Economic Miracle’: Inequality and criminalization of protest

Tunisia’s ‘economic miracle’ has not benefited all, nor has it been matched by greater enjoyment of human rights. This was […]

Tunisia: Appeal Court entrenches injustice by upholding unfair convictions

Amnesty International calls for the immediate and unconditional release of trade union leaders and all those imprisoned for peacefully exercising […]

Tunisia: torturing detainees

In spite of this, Tunisia is not widely perceived as a country in which serious human rights violations are committed. Indeed, during a state visit to the country in April 2008, French President Nicolas Sarkozy praised the Tunisian government’s efforts in fighting terrorism and declared that “the sphere of liberties” in the country was improving.

Tunisia: Abuses continue despite official denial

A former prisoner and alleged torture victim whose case was cited in Amnesty International’s recent report on human rights abuses […]

Tunisie. Des proclamations de pure forme en faveur des droits humains

Le gouvernement tunisien cherche à tromper le reste du monde en présentant une image positive de la situation des droits humains dans le pays tandis que ses forces de sécurité persistent à commettre des exactions qui restent impunies, a révélé Amnesty International dans un nouveau rapport publié ce lundi 23 juin.

Tunisie : torture, détention illégale et procès inéquitables

Des centaines, voire des milliers de jeunes gens, y compris d’enfants, suspectés de crimes de terrorisme, ont été arrêtés en Tunisie ces cinq dernières années. Nombres d’entre eux ont été torturés, ont subi de mauvais traitements, ont été détenus au secret et soumis à des disparitions forcées.