US Congress 3

Relations internationales : La fragilisante démarche de Kais Saied

La récente visite d’une délégation parlementaire américaine en Tunisie a déchaîné les passions. Les analystes se sont écharpés sur l’interprétation à donner aux tweets du sénateur Murphy, chaque camp y voyant l’approbation de ses propres positions sur le virage 80. Un débat similaire a suivi la déclaration commune des ambassadeurs des pays du G7 enjoignant le président à renouer avec la normalité constitutionnelle. Ces épisodes tendant à mettre en évidence la permanence des ingérences étrangères. Et tout souverainiste qu’il est, le président Kaïs Saïed n’arrive pas à s’en débarrasser.

American aid: In spite of Trump’s cuts, Congress bets on Tunisia’s “success”

How much will US Congress carve out for Tunisia in 2018? The jury is still out, and even though the fiscal year began October 1, Washington has yet to approve the new budget, including foreign funding amounts. An article* published earlier this month on The Hill urges senators to remember Tunisia while finalizing the budget for the coming year. « Tunisia is an American ‘soft power’ success story—let’s keep it that way », the author writes, arguing that with US foreign assistance « there is reason to believe that the rule of law and democratic institutions will prevail », whereas cuts in funding to the country would represent « a serious mistake ».

The Balancing Act: Tunisia and its Foreign Allies, Democracy-Building, and Reforms

In Tunisia’s case, there will likely be for many years to come the relentless push, from both without and within, for foreign governments and institutions to supply aid, support, assistance, and know-how to the end/under the pretext of promoting economic growth, social justice, and State accountability. In this context, will Tunisia allow outside interests and impositions to define its foreign relations and, by extension, its own autonomy? or will it remain vigilant, deliberate, and selective in decisions concerning relations with its geographical neighbors, economic ‘partners,’ and strategic ‘friends’?